Vabljeni na letošnje prvo predavanje cikla Famnitovih izletov v matematično vesolje 2024/25.
Peto predavanje z naslovom"Nekaj klasičnih rezultatov iz teorije grafov" bo izvedel, dr. Štefko Miklavič, UP FAMNIT in UP IAM, v sredo, 19. marca 2025, ob 16.00, Velika predavalnica 3, UP FAMNIT ter prek Zoom povezave.
“Cikel poljudnih predavanj o matematiki in njeni vlogi v sodobnem svetu”
Prime divisibility of binomial coefficients
Sreda, 23. marec 2022, ob 18.00, Velika predavalnica 3, UP FAMNIT / ZOOM povezava
Prime divisibility of binomial coefficients
Dr. Russ Woodroofe, UP FAMNIT
How many ways are there to pick k objects out from a bin of n objects? The answer is given by the binomial coefficient "n choose k". We have shown you how to easily determine whether a binomial coefficient is divisible by a prime, even when the numbers involved are quite large. We have applied this criterion to a problem that arose in Dr. Woodroofe's work with John Shareshian. The distribution of prime numbers has made an unexpected cameo appearance.