Vabljeni na letošnje prvo predavanje cikla Famnitovih izletov v matematično vesolje 2024/25.
Peto predavanje z naslovom"Nekaj klasičnih rezultatov iz teorije grafov" bo izvedel, dr. Štefko Miklavič, UP FAMNIT in UP IAM, v sredo, 19. marca 2025, ob 16.00, Velika predavalnica 3, UP FAMNIT ter prek Zoom povezave.
“Cikel poljudnih predavanj o matematiki in njeni vlogi v sodobnem svetu”
To Infinity and Beyond
Sreda, 20. november 2024 ob 16.00, Velika predavalnica 3, UP FAMNIT/ ZOOM povezava
To Infinity and Beyond
Dr. René Rodríguez Aldama, UP FAMNIT in UP IAM
We can all agree that the concept of infinity plays an important role in our society and our own philosophy, but what exactly is "the infinity"? In this talk, we will uncover the definition of infinity as used in mathematics and we will delve into some of its shapes and consequences. From showing that there are several infinities up to partitioning a pea and reassembling it to create the sun, the mathematical infinity has a lot of interesting properties, perhaps, some of them are counterintuitive or paradoxical.
At the end of the 19th century, mathematicians were bewildered by the arising of paradoxical results and a foundational crisis of mathematics came up. As an attempt to solve these issues, Hilbert proposes his famous program (Hilbert's program) in 1920, which was an effort to formalize all mathematics under a solid basis. However, this program was shown to be unattainable by results of Gödel published in 1931. In the second part of my talk, we will focus on explaining how to show that certain (mathematical) statements cannot be either proved or disproved using the common ground rules of mathematics.