Vabljeni na letošnje prvo predavanje cikla Famnitovih izletov v matematično vesolje 2024/25.
Prvo predavanje z naslovom "To Infinity and Beyond" bo izvedel dr. René Rodríguez Aldama z UP FAMNIT in UP IAM v sredo, 20. novembra 2024, ob 16.00 uri, v Veliki predavalnici 3, UP FAMNIT ter prek Zoom povezave.
“Cikel poljudnih predavanj o matematiki in njeni vlogi v sodobnem svetu”
Rumors, epidemics and economic crises: infection processes in networks
Sreda, 19. februar 2025, ob 16.00, Velika predavalnica 3, UP FAMNIT
*ura predavanja se lahko do nadaljnjega prilagodi študijskemu procesu.
/ ZOOM povezava
Rumors, epidemics and economic crises: infection processes in networks
Dr. Miklós Krész, UP FAMNIT, UP IAM in InnoRenew CoE
What are the commonalities between the economic crisis of 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic, and social media campaigns in recent political elections? Why were the dynamics of bankruptcies, epidemic outbreaks, and the spread of misinformation so unexpected? What are the similarities and differences between these processes and how can they be described by mathematical models? What specific problems arise in controlling the spread of these types of outbreaks and what mathematical methods can be used to address them? In this lecture we will take a journey through the methodology of computational network analysis to answer the above questions and to highlight the main challenges.